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A Lack of Color

  A Lack of Color The quest in making our master bedroom feel alive again. Well, hello, hello, hello! It's truly been a hot minute since I've posted anything, try almost 4 years (YIKES!). I'm not much of a writer and I already knew that when starting this blog, but I guess I thought by starting a blog, it would have changed things and all of a sudden I would just LOVE writing...time has obviously proven otherwise. Anywho! Its the beginning of 2022 and like oh so many, I am inspired to start a new, turn over a new leaf, start a brand new chapter if you will. One of those new chapters involved giving our master bedroom a much needed facelift. As you can see from the photo above, our bedroom though put together, lacks a certain pazzaz and I ulimately decided that what this room was lacking, was color! Bright, beautiful vibrant color! Don't get me wrong, I love all these earth tones, but it all just started to feel so BOOOORRING.  I thought to myself, "You know what th...

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